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At our core, we are about being aligned with Nature and having great partnerships. 

We are committed to you, your family and business being able to clean safely without toxins. 

We know inherently because Life does thrive, Nature must have a balance to bacteria and viruses.  HOCL might just be that answer.  

The human body naturally produces HOCL locally where an infection can occur.  HOCL is in your own white blood cells throughout your body & all mammals.  

Similarly, the modern industrial history of HOCL has been onsite production in hospitals and medical clinics in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s.  There was a boom of use during WW I saving soldiers lives and treating wounds.  It was produced right in clinic and was widely used to disinfect.  It just wasn’t shelf stable.  

A quality that made it unpopular in the mass manufacturing and atomic eras focused on delivering  modern convinces to households.  

By the 1970’s in various locations, namely Latvia HOCL continued to be studied and widely used.  In the last 15 years there have been significant breakthroughs to fully utilize an Electro-Chemical Activation (ECA) Process to gain real shelf stability.  


Now with our scientific expertise at HypoClean there is a new wave of research & development to produce an even purer formula of HOCL that taps into Nature’s real power.  

Most HOCL and ECA products are actually a soup of chlorinate molecules in water.  Only some of which are the most effective, some which may not be.  

Because of our teams scientific expertise, and our great partners we are able to develop and deliver to you a purer more effective HOCL.  

At HypoClean we know you can’t achieve greatness by yourself.   We are passionate about having great partners and are honored to work with our production and distribution allies.  

Due to the SARS Covid-2 global pandemic we are seeing the current rise of HOCL.  HypoClean has the expertise and partnerships to reliably deliver the highest quality product for the safety and health of your businesses, employees, customers and your own family.  

Come join our family, and let’s utilize the power of Nature with smart effective solutions.